What can this be gathering dust under the WME Blog's metaphorical Christmas tree? Why it's only a selection box of perished pub pictures awaiting our consumption, and not a chocolate bar in sight...
Buses and beer, railways and recollections, pubs and photography, canals and cricket: The quest to discover and document the West Midlands and surrounding areas continues...
Monday, December 25
Lost Pubs from the WME Archives #32
Sunday, December 24
WME Flickr Focus - December 2023
Saturday, December 16
The Earlswood Festive Forage
Saturday, December 9
The Hub Marketing Board's Stafford Santa Special
Sunday, December 3
You can certainly tell we're into the winter months now given that the start of December has coincided with plummeting temperatures. Wrapping up warm, I brave the chill for a Saturday Study around Brandhall - here comes the tale of the trip...
Friday, December 1
WME Flickr Focus - November 2023
Hello readers! In the words of Perry Como - or Michael Buble if you're of a more recent persuasion - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Snowdogs have appeared on the streets of Birmingham, likewise gingerbread characters have formed a festive trail here in Wolverhampton, and big production seasonal advert juggernauts are punctuating every single commercial break on television. We're still a few weeks away from the big day itself though so we'll concentrate on November's photostream deliveries for now...
Opening up their presents ahead of schedule are WME Coventry and WME Solihull; given the paucity of updates both galleries usually have to endure, they can be forgiven for getting a tad overexcited. Coventry has raided Radford for a Catesby Road bus stop and a very faded pub sign representative from the Pilot, whereas Solihull became overly occupied with Olton again thanks to Highwood Avenue, the Olton Tavern and the Wharf canalside trading estate.
By contrast, WME Wolverhampton is almost never short of incoming gifts and has stockpiled significantly over the last few weeks. Penn has been particularly productive, picking out the local cricket and bowling clubs plus a peek at Paris Flooring, while Parkfield provides two archive snapshots of Teddy's Cafe (a.k.a. the former Parkfield Tavern). Pinfold Grove's pretty blossoms are another notable new arrival from our well-stuffed sack of Wulfrunian treats.
Elsewhere among the West Midlands metropolitan boroughs, WME Walsall rummages about Reedswood when accounting for the Alma pub, Reedswood Lane and Rowland Street; WME Dudley potters over to Park Head Locks on the Dudley No. 1 Canal with a side order of the adjacent railway viaduct; WME Sandwell targets a Princes End ex-railway path and rambles along Ryders Green Locks; and WME Birmingham admires the planting at Perry Hall Park.
The wider shires haven't been completely omitted from Santa's draft naughty-or-nice list but which category their behaviour falls under is open to debate. WME Staffordshire pockets a Pool Hall log whilst also ordering up an Orton Lodge snippet, then the final word for November goes to WME Warwickshire with its Packwood Avenue treescape and an ecclesiastical entry from Rowington Church. The countdown to Christmas will now continue into December whereby I hope to bring glad tidings of even more exciting updates...