Friday, May 26

Setting Solihull Free

I am seriously considering giving Solihull its own WME gallery. Up to this point, Solihull has been lumped in with Birmingham - mainly because I hadn't done many outings in the area and didn't have enough material to launch a solo Solihull site.
Things change, and having explored the area a few times now (including some outings with Rog) I now might have the foundations to set Solihull free. Besides, WME Birmingham is starting to look a bit bulky and there is plenty more to add where that came from!
It'll take a bit of sorting out to get WME Solihull off and running - I'll have to slot the site somewhere appropriate in the WME sequence, probably around WME Coventry - this might mean that some WME galleries change URL slightly. I'll also have to sort out which collections and photos will move across from Birmingham - hence a study of the borough boundary may be required (oh joy!)
All of this should help make my galleries more accurate and give Solihull its independence! Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 am

    Well, on several outings we did seem to be on autopilot and ended up there a few times!!!
