Thursday, May 23

In Memoriam: John Beardsmore

- John Beardsmore (1943 - 2024) -

It is with much sadness and a very heavy heart that I pause to reflect on the life of friend of the blog and Chip Foundation alumnus John Beardsmore, otherwise known to us as Mr B Senior (Stephen's dad). John passed away earlier this week at the age of 80 following a short period of ill health, but we shall always remember him for his unique personality and sense of humour - he certainly was one of life's irreplaceable characters!

John was born in Cornwall (hence his lifelong affection for the county, especially Truro) and spent much of his childhood living in the Portobello district of Willenhall where he was the oldest sibling in a large family. After getting married, he lived for many decades in Heath Town and was a popular figure at pubs such as the Great Horse and the Golden Lion having served with distinction on their dominoes teams. Professionally he was a welder and would often tell us tales of his expertise working for Chubbs and other well known local firms.

I first met Mr B Senior when going to cricket matches with Stephen, or when he would pick us up in his estate car after post-work drinks at the Great Western. Over the years we would go on daytrips and Warwickshire-supporting getaways, during which he would always bring his individual perspective on world events. Despite his diminutive stature he was larger-than-life to say the least and would literally talk to anyone, even if this sometimes resulted in a state of total bafflement among those he conversed with!

I shall remember him for his love of Smoothpour beers, particularly Worthingtons, Guinness and his beloved John Smiths (forever now known to me as Beardsmore Bleach) - woe betide us if we ever bought him a pint of modern craft murk with too many hops! Besides the beer, he also enjoyed fishing, health walking, watching sports (particularly Wolves) and had a zest for life in general. It really is true to say that he's going to leave a massive hole now he's gone.

Cheers John, we're really going to miss you - and I don't care what you say!


  1. Really sorry to hear this news WME. Thoughts are with John's family and he was a terrific character in your blogs. He will be missed.

    1. He will indeed Beermat, neither the Chip Foundation days out nor our cricketing escapades watching Warwickshire will ever quite be the same without his always-entertaining input! Cheers, Paul

  2. Aw that's sad news, but a really lovely tribute, Paul. Great smile !

    1. Thank you Martin - we gave him a great send off, both at the main service and then with a wake at his beloved Golden Lion.
